Around Trinity

School Sores Outbreak

Recently there has been an outbreak of school sores. Please find information on how to manage them.


Keep your child home from child care, kindergarten or school until 24 hours after starting medical treatment. After this time, they can be around other children again, but cover up their sores completely with dressings.

Sores on exposed surfaces such as scalp, face, hands or legs must be covered with a watertight dressing and encourage handwashing.

General advice for patients with school sores includes:

  • dispose of soiled dressings appropriately;
  • emphasise the need for handwashing, especially after changing dressings, and the importance of avoiding sharing toilet articles, towels, clothing or bed linen;
  • avoid scratching or touching the lesions, to prevent spread to other areas of the body;
  • advise on the importance of completing the recommended antibiotic course.

Ordering Polos

Please visit the Uniform Shop if you would like to order a long sleeve polo for the winetr months.

An order will be placed in the coming weeks.

Food Bank Help Required

Each year we have families in need of some form of assistance and often a prepared meal can make a difference at that time.

We operate a Food Bank here at the College and call on families to assist as the need arises.

Any families who would be happy to assist with Food Bank for 2023 can email and be placed on the list for occasional contact.

Your support would be greatly appreciated and make a difference when families require help.

Caroline Grist