Harmony Day
Yesterday we celebrated all things cultural with our Harmony Day. Our Persian community shared with the whole school their new year celebrations and the traditional practice of Haft-sin of gathering around the table together to await the exact moment of the equinox, 21 March, on the table are seven symbols all starting with 's':
- Sabze - wheat, barley, mung bean, or lentil sprouts grown in a dish.
- Samanu – sweet pudding made from wheat germ
- Senjed - persian olive
- Serke - vinegar
- Sib - apple
- Sir - garlic
- Somaq - sumac
Anvi and Karenpreet had the whole school up practicing their Bollywood dance moves and everyone in costume stood up to celebrate their family heritage by sharing with us where their family are from. We forgot to count how many different nationalities were represented on the day, but there were a lot. After the assembly all students moved to their Kooramook groups and spent time playing some cultural games. Check out this collection of photos: