Classroom News

Junior School News

The junior students are continuing to show their independence by completing their morning jobs. 



The Junior students have been focusing on place value in Numeracy. They have been using physical materials, working in groups, and learning individually. Place value is critical to numeracy understanding as it underpins so much in our maths learning, so it has been fantastic to see students engaging in activities, games, and tasks. 



In P/1 students have been focussing on unlocking new sounds and are working on constructing new words and short sentences that include these sounds. 

In Literacy the 1/2 students have been focussing on blending 2 consonants together to help read complex words. Students have also been working to break words down into the sounds to facilitate writing words. 


Middle School News

Middle School Students have continued to enjoy each other's company over the course of term 1. All students have been working really hard during class and have improved their learning and organisational habits. It is so awesome to have so many independent learners already this year. Additionally, well done to all the grade three's that have been undertaking Naplan over the past week. You should be really proud of your efforts so far. 



In English, we have continued our fantastic work in handwriting and reading strategies. Students have continued to work on their fluency when reading in pairs and have been delving into their creative minds through narrative writing. It has been terrific to see students extending their vocabulary knowledge through our Sound Waves program also. We are very grateful to you, parents for your continual support in each child's home reading. Keep up the amazing work!



In Maths, over the past three weeks, we have been continuing to develop each student's addition and subtraction strategies. We have looked at counting on, using the split strategy, jump strategy, and even using vertical addition and subtraction. Students will continue to use different tools when adding and subtracting larger numbers. This all builds on really nicely with what we have covered in place value earlier this term, and students are enjoying their success in working with larger numbers.  


Senior School News

A brilliant start to the year in 5/6L, 5/6P and 4/5M 

A quick camp update... as they are about to head home, 


Grade 5/6 enjoyed an amazing 2-night camp at Roses Gap in the Grampians. With a range of adventure activities including canoeing, archery, abseiling, and giant swing students challenged themselves and supported each other along the way. 


The experience was incredible and behaviour was amazing with great feedback from camp staff about our student's manners and attitude. 


We are sure there will be lots of stories from a tired and happy bunch.