Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Saturday 18 March will be Round 6 of Summer sport for the Junior School, and the last round for Term 1. After this weekend, all training for Summer sport will cease; this includes the Summer Sports Skills Program of a Saturday morning. I hope that all the boys have enjoyed this first portion of the Summer sports season and look forward to Term 4. Good luck to all boys involved this weekend. No matter the result - win, lose or draw - let’s make this final game of Term 1 the best so far.
There has been a bit of confusion of late about Winter sport trials. All the information on Winter trials so far have been for the Senior School. I will announce shortly the details for the Junior School Winter sport trials once the Junior School Summer season has concluded. To help with navigating the information that comes out regarding Co-curricular and sport, I will always preface all my communications with ‘Junior School’. If the announcement does not have ‘Junior School’ at the beginning, it is more than likely a Senior School announcement, at least where sport is concerned.
Last week William Malone of Year 6 spent time in Lismore representing NSWCIS in Cricket. The boys had a great tournament and played extremely well, making the final of the carnival. In a close contest, the boys from the CIS came out victorious, winning the carnival. To top off a strong individual performance from William, he was selected into the NSW team, to play in Darwin later this year. Congratulations on an outstanding effort William! I know that the College will join me in wishing you all the best for the upcoming tournament in Darwin.
Now that the Cross Country Carnival has concluded, there is still some time to raise some last-minute funds. An extra $5 or $10 can make a huge difference in someone’s life. Boys are asked to please bring in their money on Monday and Tuesday next week. It is preferred that no coins are brought in, as it can make managing the money a little difficult. Thank you to all the boys and their families for their generosity during this Lenten period.
Finally, I came across this quote recently from Ernie Banks, a member of the Chicago Cubs. I think it is a good reminder for what is great about sport and why we choose to play:
‘The riches of the game are in the thrills, not the money’.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular