
Year 7 Mass 

Our Year 7 students met in the Chapel on Tuesday for their first Mass as a cohort for 2023. Thank you to Mrs Ann Clarke for teaching some of our classes to sing the hymns the previous day, and a big thank you to Mr Murphy’s 7.1 PCG for hosting this Mass and doing all the roles. Thank you to Ms Marocchi and the Year 7 PCG staff for all their support. Finally, to our new Year 7 Altar Servers, Matteo Redolatti, Jerard Vincent and James Bianchini.  We will see these young men serving at all Year 7 Masses in the future. 

Friday Community Mass

A big thank you to 11.5 and 11.6 for hosting our Mass this morning and to their PCG teachers, Mr Kros and Mrs Shanahan. A special thank you to our Altar Servers James Kenwery and Lachie Brown, and our Extraordinary Ministers, Harry Hansen Knarhoi and John Van Beek.


Once again, it is lovely to see staff and parents at Mass. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend! 

Project Compassion

Marya Stewart and Rosa West are encouraging all families to support our Project Compassion appeal for 2023.  The theme is, ‘For All Future Generations’.  Our aim is to collect $30.00 from each family. Please ask family and friends to donate to your son’s collection.


24:7 Youth Ministry