Physical Education

Hi Families,
Wow, week 10 already! So much has been completed in PE and Sport this term and still so much more to come!
Cross Country
The District Cross Country will be held on Friday 19th May for students that make the team. The top 10 fastest times in 9/10 boys & girls, 11 boys and girls and 12/13 boys and girls go through. Cross Country trials will be run this week at school with years 3-6 in their PE classes (the students may think first week back next term, but due to weather unpredictability and short week, I have moved it forward).
5 & 6 Gala Day reschedule
We are still waiting to hear back from the council but we are hopeful that we can reschedule the washed out Summer Gala Day to Friday 5th May. When this has been confirmed I will send out a new Operoo to families. If you are able to assist on the day, please get in touch.
Winter Gala Day
The year 4 Winter Gala day and 5 & 6 Gala Day will be held at the same venue as the Summer ones on Tuesday 6th June (Year 4) and Thursday 15 June (5&6). Operoo forms will be sent through next term and any assistance you can offer for these days is greatly appreciated.
Soccer Afterschool Program
After the success of the soccer program that was run over the past few weeks during PE, we are going to trial an afterschool program on the oval on Thursdays during term 2 run by the same people, S4S Academy. Some of the students may have come along to the tester on Wednesday, I hope they enjoyed it.
This program is available to all year levels. This is a great way for the students interested in soccer to develop their skills with professionals in the sport. Please see the flyer and get in touch if you need further information.
Have a safe and enjoyable Easter
Stay well, stay active
Catherine Wall
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator