Meet our Leadership team.

Hi, my name is Kim Kirkpatrick.
I am the Learning Specialist at Violet St. and have worked here for six years. The role of a learning specialist is to support the learning development of teachers and students.
Some of my roles and responsibilities around the school include:
-Coaching and mentoring of teachers; attending planning sessions, providing resources and conducting and organising professional development activities when required.
-Working with teachers individually and in teams to collect and analyse data to inform teaching.
-Tutoring and Maths Intervention. Taking small groups of students from Foundation to Grade 6 to extend their understanding of Maths concepts. Supporting students with their Maths learning in their class.
-Co-ordinating the VHAP program. (Victorian High Ability Program) Students identified as being talented in English or Maths are selected to take part in a ten week online program where they work with students from other schools.
If you would like to get in contact with me, my email is or pop in for a chat in Room 5!