What Did You Do At School?

It has been a truly wonderful past couple of weeks in Prep and we have been growing, learning, and exploring so many things! Some of our highlights have been our adventures to the Barn with Mr Stewart, as we planted our own mini garden of carrots, strawberries, chilli, and more! We LOVED meeting our Year 6 buddies for the first time, and it was great fun showing them around our classroom. Building strong connections and being led by such lovely big kids is a blessing! It has been so delightful to share about ourselves and our families in our All About Me presentations during Integrated Studies. Showing our family photos and telling funny stories has made the class and teachers cheer and giggle! The beginning of our first year in Junior School has been amazing and we are so excited for the adventures ahead of us.
Year 1
The smell of pine needles, plum, pudding and gingerbread, wafted through the house. You knew it was coming, Christmas!
We have been enjoying the Warm Write activities that have been implemented this year. We are sent home a prompt to use as a discussion with our parents about a specific topic, the last one was, Christmas Day. The discussion is continued in the classroom and a stimulus is set. We then have 40 minutes to write and/or draw about our experiences of the topic. We are encouraged to use WOW words, connectives, and interesting openers. One of the highlights of the session is the soft music, fairy lights, fancy pencils, and colourful paper.
Year 2
We have been busy learning about the community. We have discussed all the different services we can access and how many of them keep us safe. We also thought about how to respond in different circumstances and pass on appropriate information if we were ever in an emergency. In Mathematics, we’ve been developing our skills when adding numbers together in our heads. We played games and applied strategies that helped us understand how to add difficult sums quickly.
We’re looking forward to the rest of the term learning together!
Year 3
We have been learning about our God who saves! We enjoyed immersing ourselves in the story of Noah and the Ark, where we wrote a recount from the perspective of one of the animals. It was interesting to consider what life on the Ark must have looked like and which animals might have become seasick!
I am a cute little bunny. When God chose me to go on the Ark, I felt very lucky. I was a little scared that the bears and snakes would eat me!
Emma Wang (3P)
I am a wolf called Spot on the Ark. I was afraid that an elephant would step on me, and I wanted to leave the Ark, but I realised it was too dangerous.
Kai Martin (3R)
One lovely morning, there was an announcement to two of each creature to evacuate! I was worried, scared and even sad! I couldn’t believe it!
Jasmine Kyaw (3G)
Year 4
This week we have been developing our measurement skills. We measured many things, both in and outside the classroom, including the oval. We used both formal and informal units of measurement, including our bodies. We discovered that it is important to measure accurately and to use standardised units of measurement. We had lots of fun!
Year 5
What an amazing time of learning we have had. Extending our knowledge of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) allows us to grow as writers. Applying our new knowledge in our weekly Big Write sessions is a highlight of each week. We enjoy celebrating our successes with one another, from fully completing our writing to expanding our vocabulary and exploring how punctuation can create complexity in our writing.
Through our Integrated Studies topic of Making Democracy, we have increased our understanding of the Australian political system. This has included testing our debating skills to convince others of our point of view.
While the next Vine issue will be full of our adventures in Canberra, we would love to share that the staff at the Royal Australian Mint commented on the standout behaviour of our amazing Oxley students.
Year 6
So far, our year has been incredible! In Integrated Studies we have been learning about Parliament and have debated issues. We cannot wait to go to Canberra to visit some of the politicians and see them do their job.
Interschool sport is awesome! We have loved competing with other schools in sports such as tennis, T-ball, basketball, cricket and rugby tag.
We have also started our second year of the Instrumental Program. This is where we learn an instrument. We could choose from clarinet, saxophone, percussion, trumpet, flute and the trombone. We have very nice teachers who teach us, and we appreciate them all.
Jadon Hutson and Kobi Stojanov (6B)