A note from Mr Jackson

Literacy and Numeracy in the Younger Years 

Thanks to all those who joined us for an informative and enjoyable evening exploring ‘Numeracy in the Early Years’ on Tuesday night. A number of prep parents and parents of children enrolled in their final year of kindergarten, attended the workshop hosted by Anita Simpson, a member of staff. It proved a practical and resource filled evening, that affirmed children’s curiosity as they explore their world through mathematical concepts. 


Our prep parents are most welcome to join us on Wednesday evening as the English team lead a workshop entitled ‘Literacy in the Early Years’. It will be an opportunity to learn a little more of how we can encourage students to develop language and a love of literature. If you would like to join us, I encourage you to register your interest and save a seat. You will not regret it. 


Bookings can be made here.....

Literacy in the Younger Years

Wednesday 8 March at 7:00pm

Booking Link


Celebrating Student Leadership at Assembly 

Tomorrow, we look forward to celebrating student leadership throughout the school. Our senior school leaders along with the class Sustainability Agents and Junior School Council representatives will be presented with their leadership badges by the Member for Ivanhoe, Anthony Carbines. These students and their parents, are invited to stay for morning tea in Chandler Hall. It will be a practical reminder of the significant student contribution to the management and running of their school. Our assembly will begin at 9:00am.  


Volunteer Heroes Invited to Attend the Working Bee 

Saturday 4 March 9am til 12noon 


Please consider bringing a wheelbarrow, gloves, shovel and gardening tools to help with our working be on Saturday between 9:00am and 12noon. We are hoping to shift four cubic metres of sand to refresh all sandpits and fifteen cubic metres of softball to ensure our playgrounds are safe. Anytime you can give will be greatly appreciated. 


Parent Focus Groups Begin Monday  

During this coming week, we have daily meetings with parents across the school scheduled. These focus groups will be an opportunity for parents to contribute to the school’s self evaluation on the current strategic plan, as well as contribute to the evolution of our school values. There are still opportunities to join with others by booking a seat. 


Prep Parent Morning Tea

Monday 6 March 2023 at 9:00am

Booking Link


1/2 Parent Morning Tea

Tuesday 7 March 2023 at 9:00am

Booking Link


3/4 Parent Morning Tea 

Wednesday 8 March at 9:00am

Booking Link


5/6 Parent Morning Tea

Thursday 9 March at 9:00am

Booking Link


For those who are working and unable to attend our daily groups, we have set aside an evening on Wednesday 22nd March at 7.00pm   


Student Attendance 

This week we have sent home reminders to parents to ensure that late arrivals and absences are explained. When parents do not provide a note for a student’s absence, the school is committed to informing parents that the students whereabouts is unknown. This is recorded as an unexplained absence with the student’s whereabouts unknown! In such situations, we are always concerned about a child’s wellbeing. 


A special thanks to all who have updated and communicated their child’s absence from school. These reassuring notes on compass help teachers in their planning and preparation for learning on the day. These attendance notes, lodged on Compass or phoned through to the office, are evidence of the school and parents at home collaborating to ensure the safety of students. 


Over the last few days, our reminders have proved important prompts for conversation around student engagement. In some cases already, we have been able to implement strategies to support student attendance. Accuracy in our records enables us to structure supports and engage with parents when students attendance is of concern. Again, I wish to express my appreciation, in keeping these unexplained absences to a minimum. 


Please feel free to speak with me anytime if you have any questions or concerns around such matters. 


First Nations Gathering on Wednesday  

It was a wonderful time on Wednesday afternoon to see many First Nations’ families join with others across our network to celebrate culture and simply connect with each other. They met at the Barrbunin Beek Gathering Place, a space developed by Banyule Council. These termly gatherings provide a common space for parents and students to discuss and explore ways to support each other in our local area. Thanks to all who participated by eating a sausage, kicking the football, or simply being present in conversations.