Assistant Principal -


Mrs Mellissa Bell

Working with young people is a real privilege. Working here at O’Connor with these young people is a real joy, even when we are facing challenging situations. I see such potential in the faces of our school community. Each and every one of our students have the potential to reach great heights, if only they themselves took a chance and also believed in themselves. Teaching in regional and rural schools is also a real privilege, as not only are we part of our school community but we are all part of our bigger community. I found myself reflecting on how fortunate I am to be here in Armidale and at O’Connor after wandering the pavilions of the Armidale Show and seeing so many of our students, parents and family names on so many items up for judging. From students winning in the photography section to seeing a few of our students' grandmothers taking first prize for their baking and jam making. Even seeing Mrs Channon’s entry in the textiles display. The fact that this long held tradition of the rural show is still going strong and that so many young people want to continue these traditions warms my heart. Congratulations to all of those in our O’Connor family that managed to take home prizes over last weekend.

Due to the threat of severe thunderstorms and hail last Monday we decided to postpone our Year 11 Information evening until this week. It is always a difficult call to make, but feeling a huge sense of responsibility to keep families safe the decision was made. It was a true delight to have on campus this week families from both our year 11 and year 8 cohort. Having parents/carers and guardians on site and meeting staff and looking at our learning spaces is one of many ways to connect to the school.


Our Leaders of Wellbeing are focused on setting high expectations with their cohorts and as such the focus continues to be on uniform and engagement in the classroom as well as respectful relationships. We have a zero tolerance for swearing at teachers and firm expectations that students will behave in a respectful manner to everyone, including their classmates. Over the past few weeks we have had some very disrespectful behaviours happening and some students have chosen to make some poor choices. We continue to work with students to understand the boundaries and to also understand that at times there is a need for a consequence if a behaviour continues time and time again. 


Coming up over the next few weeks we have some students representing the college in a range of sports including cricket, league, soccer and swimming. Mr Fittler has a group of students involved in a science and engineering challenge. We wish all of you well in these pursuits. Our Year 7 and Year 9 cohort are preparing themselves for NAPLAN which starts in a few weeks. And we have our first STEP Day for 2023 on March 14. 


If you are struggling to get  a young person to school you may find the following link helpful. School avoidance and refusal has increased since Covid across the country. ReachOut Australia has just published this information for parents on school refusal. Please know that we are here to support you. All Leaders of Wellbeing are looking at attendance over the last week and identify students at risk and as such developing attendance plans with students and their parents/carers to try to break this cycle. Headspace also has some easy to understand resources - Understanding School refusal.


On Wednesday, Mr Mark Honeysett accompanied a number of our students who were keen to participate in the soccer and rugby league Lismore Diocese Trials. Here is the snapshot of the day as recalled by Mark:


“Yesterday in a very hot Lismore, 10 O’Connor students participated in soccer and rugby league trials with Lismore Diocese.

Involved in the round ball game were; Lily Moore, Jorja Wilson, Charlotte Killen, Indiana Ramage, Fraser McQueen, Alec Campbell and Chitipat Poomipak. While out at Woodlawn, James Lawry, Charlie Foster and Lachie Clark braved the steamy conditions in the league trials.

All students tried their hardest, displaying excellent sportsmanship throughout the tough conditions.

Jorja, Indiana and Fraser were selected to represent Lismore Diocese U18’s, at the NSWCCC Football Championships, to be held at Glenwood, in May.

James Lawry did extremely well to be selected for the Lismore U15’s team that will contest the Northern Country CCC Rugby League Trials, in South West Rocks, on March 29.”


What great results! 



Mrs Mellissa Bell

Assistant Principal - Wellbeing