Learning Space News

Year 3/4


Meet the 3/4 Team


Meet the Year 3/4 Student Voice Representatives



Year 3:                 

Sandyson and Mary-Grace 


Year 4:

Ethan N and Sehaj



What a fantastic and jam packed Term 1 students and teachers have had! Congratulations to all Year 3 students for completing NAPLAN and giving it your best effort. The teachers are all very proud of you. All of the Year 3 and 4 students have also completed a 2 week swimming program and it was great to see students of all abilities in the water having a go even when feeling a bit nervous. 




Students have been working very hard in all areas of their learning. They have extended their knowledge on writing persuasively and are continuing to work on their narrative writing. Make sure to ask your child about sizzling starts! In reading we are continuing to build a strong phonics foundation and building students comprehension skills. 



Students have been learning about time, money and expanding their place value knowledge in maths sessions. We have had a big focus this term on problem solving and using specific key words and maths language to share our thinking and build on the thoughts of other students. 



Inquiry groups have been learning about sustainability and what contributes to their carbon footprint. They are currently creating a poster and campaign for an endangered animal and will be presenting these to their peers.



Please encourage your child to read every night, fill in their diary with a reading comment and to complete their homework each week. Homework is assigned every Thursday afternoon on Seesaw and is due by the following Wednesday.