Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

OLF Cross Country Trial

The OLF Cross Country Trial is being held on Wednesday 26th April (Week 1, Term 2). This event is not compulsory and is for students in Years 2-6. Please fill in the following registration form if your child wishes to attend the trial. Nominations close Friday 31st March. Click on this link  to register:


Oscar I, Edward F, Rory P and Chelsea G from Year 5 competed at the recent Sydney Soccer Trial. I am pleased to announce that Edward F and Chelsea G (shadow player) have been selected to trial at the MacKillop Soccer Trial. This will be held in Goulburn next term. We wish you the best of luck! 


Samuel Everitt recently competed at the NSW PSSA Cricket Championships in Ballina. Samuel had the honour of captaining his side. The MacKillop team finished 7th out of 14 teams. 

A fantastic achievement. Well done Samuel.



























Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator