Spotlight on Curious Learning

Spotlight on Learning Year 4 & Year 2

Open House - Year 4

Each Tuesday afternoon we have our Wellbeing Hour of Power. This week parents and carers were invited into our classes to share this experience.


We start our hour of power with a Smiling Mind Meditation. This lets us still our minds, be present, still, calm and ready to participate in our Open Parachute Program.


Our unit focus is on Growth Mindset. Through listening to other real life students share their experiences in the videos, we realise we are not alone. The program helps us to:

  • Change negative thoughts to positive thoughts
  • Behavioural Activation
  • Mindful Focusing
  • Perseverance
  • Encouraging ourselves and our friends to use Positive Mental Health Strategies 







Mrs Lisa Mann  | Wellbeing



Year 2 Excursion to The Wollongong Science Centre on Wednesday 22.3.23


On Wednesday The 22nd of March all of Year 2 went to the Science Centre because we are learning about Earth and Space. We travelled by a very slow bus. 


First of all, when we arrived,  we had morning tea. I had some apple and a biscuit. Then we were split into two groups to go into the centre.


My group went to the STEM zone. First our guide Macy told us how to build. Then we got into groups of three, I was with Isla and Grace. We built a flower tower, it was so cool. 


After that we went to the top floor and got to explore all the machines, my favourite was the glow in the dark drawing. There was also a space room, power bike, real bees and energy power blocks. 


Next we went downstairs and went through a skinny, dark, little tunnel into a big dome room to watch a show. When it started it felt like we were moving and we learned all about the Solar System. 


Then we went into the theatre room and watched a bubble show. Macy made very big bubbles, they were in the shape of a sphere. She used liquid Nitrogen which made alot of water vapour and looked like white clouds, and then she did an experiment with fire.


It was so cool, and my favourite part was the bubble experiment show.

We all had a fantastic day at the Wollongong Science Centre. 


By Isla C

A great day was had by all!


Year 2 Teachers



This year Our Lady of Fatima has once again registered for the Premier’s Reading Challenge for those interested students who have a love of reading.


The NSW Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is an initiative of the NSW State government. It aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student - to read, to read more, and to read more widely.


The Challenge runs until 18 August. Students who successfully complete reading a minimum of 20 books for the challenge (including 10 from the PRC list of books) will be awarded a certificate. 


You can access the booklists for each year group using the following link:

Good luck and happy reading!!


The Library Team