Kildare Campus Update
Each time we visit our Kildare Campus we are delighted and amazed by the amont of progress that is taking place as we approach the final stages!
Everything is on track and coming together even better than we could have hoped for and we just know that our Year 7 students and staff are going to love working and learning in these beautiful new spaces!
Administration Building
In our Administration Building the final fit off is being completed as we write this and we are nearning lock up stage. Contractors will then commence the defects stage next week
before completing the final clean!
Learning Building
Progress over the last two weeks:
- Pin Boards and White Boards installed.
- Ceiling Grid installation completed.
- Painting almost completed.
Upcoming work:
- Commence defects (after Admin Building)
- Final clean.
- Installation of metal cladding to eaves almost completed.
- Concrete seating to Central Plaza and other external areas to be completed in the next two weeks.
- Courtyard Well to be installed in the first week of April.
- Irrigation to front (lawned area) – 98% complete.
- Turf to be installed mid to late March.
- Irrigation to central plaza – 100% complete.
- Main entrance gates installed today and will soon be followed by the Pedestrian Grates.
- All soft landscaping - 100% complete.
- Cover over Basketball/Netball courts to commence.
Other Works
Civil Works including the shared path, roadworks, and irrigation pipeline are all on track and progressing well.
Our new Shuttle Bus has been painted and is currently in operation. We have also commenced negotiation for branding of a second 57 seat bus.
Cheryle Ryan
Business Manager