Teaching and Learning
Compass: How to email your child’s teacher
Being able to email your child's teachers easily, assists families in sharing important information about their child to their teachers. This function has now been enabled in Compass.
To email your child’s teachers, click the option listed under the name on your dashboard.
This will open the email box with all of your child’s teachers pre-loaded as recipients.
Remove any teachers that the email is not relevant to by clicking the red cross next to their name. To add any additional staff, click ‘Add Recipients’.
Add in your subject information and email content. Click ‘Send’ to issue to the listed recipients. You will receive a copy of the sent email to the email address listed for
your profile in Compass.
Cyber Safety
Currently our year 7 students are studying a Cyber Safety unit in their Identity Program. This course includes a number of class-based activities that challenge students to explore the concept of cyber safety, their digital footprint, the effect of technology on their lives, as well as completing an online Cyber Smart program; that aims to further enhance their knowledge about settings, privacy, and numerous other aspects of being online. The CyberPass program is an online educational tool to learn skills and techniques on how to be safe and responsible users of online technology.
Cyber Safety is an important topic for all of our young people. There are also many resources available to parents/carers about Cyber Safety. One of which is the ESafety commissioner website which contains downloadable parent/carer guides, quick links to other important information, and free webinars on a range of topics.
Instrumental Music Program
It has been exciting to see the level of interest in our Instrumental Music Program.
Parents will be contacted this week, regarding the next steps in securing their child’s place in this program. We look forward to witnessing our students flourish in this area in 2023.
Assessment at St Joseph’s
Students are beginning to undertake assessment tasks in the majority of their subjects. This will provide students, their parents and teachers an opportunity to celebrate the progress they have made this year and reflect on their areas of growth.
Interim Reports will be released in the last week of term and parents, students and their teachers will have the opportunity to meet and discuss these areas before we break for the Term 1 holidays.
This year we have changed how a student's achievement is reported (Year 7-10). Parents and students will be able to view their progress throughout the semester, via our continuous reporting, which is viewable on Compass. Our end of Semester Reports, will also provide an overall grade for each academic subject based on the marks that students have achieved throughout the semester. Each assessment task has been awarded a weighting and these have been shared with students in class and on Compass.
Mrs Lisa Saillard
Assistant Principal: Learning & Teaching