Living with Strength and Kindliness

These past two weeks we have been blessed to come together as a College community to celebrate who we are. At our Opening College Mass last Friday we celebrated with Bishop Shane, Father Novie and Father Tink. It was a joy to celebrate this occasion with many guests from our local community, Kildare Ministry family and principals from local surrounding schools. During this liturgy we commissioned our College Captains and Leadership Team. 



Throughout the celebration we also reflected on our College theme for 2023 - 

Be Brave! Let the little things be stepping stones for growth.  


At our first whole school assembly, we gathered to celebrate our achievements thus far in connection with this theme and to commission our student leadership team.  



Opportunities to come together as an extended College community remind us of who we are and give us opportunities to celebrate and draw strength from each other. Most mornings this term we are running our Breakfast Bar before school. This community-building initiative serves warm milo and toast to students from 8.30am. It is run by College educators and students. It is a great opportunity for building connections, catching up with each other and meeting new people. We would like to thank Echuca Beechworth Bakery for providing us with bread each week. 


Students and staff this term are completing the Enhancing Catholic Identity Survey. These surveys will support us in understanding how we perceive the Catholic identity of our school currently and what the Catholic identity at St Joseph’s College may look like in the years ahead. Responses to the survey will assist us in better understanding how our Catholic identity is expressed. The results will contribute to a reliable picture of our school’s Catholic identity, which we will use to inform our school improvement for the next four years.

Project Compassion

This week through Project Compassion we learn about Tereesa, a Gamilaroi woman from Western Sydney who struggled with homelessness while raising her four children. At just 16 years old, she had to leave school after falling pregnant with her first child. A single mother struggling with homelessness, Tereesa’s only concern was finding stability for her children.   


Seeking a better future for her family, Tereesa joined Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation’s Young Mums and Bubs Group, supported by Caritas Australia. Baabayn helped Tereesa access housing and psychological support. Through Baabayn, Tereesa was also able to hear stories from Indigenous Elders and reconnect with her culture.  


Today, Tereesa is studying a certificate in Community Services so that she can strengthen her skills and give back to her community. Tereesa now works at Baabayn, providing support to young mothers and mentoring the next generation of young people. 

Watch a short film about Tereesa’s story here.


Please support Project Compassion:


Lee Pethybridge

College Leader - Faith and Community