Principal's Report 

It's hard to believe we are already halfway through Term 1 and the huge amount of work that has been achieved in such a short space of time. Schools are a busy place and I would like to thank everyone for the great start to the year.


Last week's College assembly was another wonderful celebration of student achievement. There was a real sense of community with the families of our student leaders joining us. The commissioning of all student leaders was a good recognition of the roles these students play in representing our College and student agency.


As we head into the long weekend, I ask all to discuss and think about the way they have positively contributed to our College community, whether that be through academic rigour, sport, the wearing of uniform, our various social justice activities or behaviour at recess and lunchtime. 


In that time of reflection, let's make a commitment to the small steps we can all take to make a small improvement. The season of Lent is the perfect time for this type of reflection and for endevouring to bring the best version of ourselves to school, work and the other places where our lives touch the lives of others.


Term one has already brought many memorable moments and I am certainly looking forward to the next few weeks and to the many and varied activities students will experience including the Year 12 Retreat, Year 7 Camp and our College Foundation Day.


God Bless.


Anne Marie Cairns
