Library News
Welcome to St Joseph’s College Resource Centre
Library News
Welcome to St Joseph’s College Resource Centre
It has been busy in the St Joseph’s Library and Resource Centre this week with lots of students coming and going for class or personal study periods.
The Reading Room classes have been buzzing with enthusiastic students browsing through our new book collections and finding new books to borrow and read at home or in class. The Year 7 students have been using their library orientation skills to locate books around the space and they are excited to transfer this knowledge and awareness when the new campus opens and they can explore the new Kildare Library.
All week at St Joes, we have been celebrating International Women's Day with a variety of activities and events.
“International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.”
The Library showcased a wonderful collection of books reflecting incredible women to highlight this, as well as great resources for staff and students to read up and educate themselves on gender equality. If you would like to learn more about the wonderful organisation supporting this movement, here is a link to follow:
Here is a list of 10 Amazing Australian Women Writers as chosen by author Madeleine Watts:
Where: Brigidine Library
When: Tuesday and Thursday recess
Beginners and experienced players are welcome to join in the fun and competition, and learn new skills and strategies along the way!