Year 3 News

Language School 

From Amanda, Year 3 teacher

3A enjoy ‘Language School’

By Matilda, Year 3 student


Language School arose from a simple roll question – if you speak a different language at home, please feel welcome to say good morning in that language. By the time we reached the end of the roll, we realised we had so many amazing and diverse language backgrounds in our class. 


We quickly made a roster, allowing each student a Friday afternoon slot to teach the class their language and speak about what their culture means to them. So far, we have learned Arabic from Akmam, Vietnamese from Miranda and Nathan, Japanese from Kai and Vivienne, Italian from Orlando and Rocco, and Korean from Jiyoon. We look forward to learning German, Mandarin, Bosnian, Telugu, Swedish, and many more from our classmates in the coming weeks.