Year 2 News 

Year 2 E

Writing non-fiction

From Kaajal, Year 2 Teacher


Year 2 have been learning about features of non-fiction texts. We were able to follow the writing process to write an information report about a made up planet. We worked extremely hard to plan, write out drafts, revise and edit and finally, publish our work into posters! Here are a few pictures of our planets that we made up. We wrote a description of our planets, what creatures might live there and of course, some fun facts! 

Year 2D
Year 2D
We felt really proud to share our posters with the rest of the Year 2 classes.
Purple poster - Essie 2C
Pink poster - Ava 2A
Purple poster - Essie 2C
Pink poster - Ava 2A
Green poster - Lenny 2B
Blue poster - Mert 2D
Green poster - Lenny 2B
Blue poster - Mert 2D