Around the College 

Visual Art

Well done to everyone who participated in our Street Art Chalk drawing lunchtime competition last week. Amongst all the chalk dust, fun was had by all! Check out the artworks outside the Joseph Centre! House points have been awarded to McCormack and McAuley houses for the most participants!


Ms Adelle Frittitta

Art Teacher





A HUGE thank you to everyone for supporting the Earthquake Appeal last Thursday; your contributions are very much appreciated. As a school, we raised $3100, which will be sent to Caritas Australia's earthquake appeal.

Special thanks to the following: 

The VCE-VM team who set up, prepared and cooked the sausage sizzle. Without them at the helm, these fundraisers would not be possible.

Ms Caitlin Mackay, for giving up her time to purchase the BBQ items and overseeing the team of cooks, setup process and clean up.

Mrs Pernar, who spent her lunch break in the Joseph Centre kitchen, cooking onion and washing up ALL of the dishes! 

The Vinnies, who came up with the initial idea for this appeal, planned, advertised and served the hungry mouths at lunchtime. 

Ms Carlin, for preparing envelopes and counting the money all day.

The entire staff, who always support these days. Special thanks to Pastoral teachers for collecting the money. 


Our final fundraiser this term will be the Easter Raffle. The Vinnies and staff generously donate items to prepare for some fantastic hampers. The Vinnies will soon come to Pastoral classes to sell tickets, so get ready!

Tickets are $1 a ticket OR 5 tickets for $3.

 All proceeds of the raffle support the St Anthony's Tutoring Program, enabling them to purchase much-needed items such as stationery, games, and puzzles. Another practical way Nazareth supports the program is through volunteering; several students volunteer their time every Tuesday after school by attending St Anthony's to help the primary students with homework. New volunteers are always welcome, so if you are interested in helping out, please see Ms Douglass in the Resource Centre or email her.




Ms Lisa Douglass 

Vinnies Coordinator

& the Vinnies Team




Year 8 English Incursion

On Wednesday, 1 March, the Year 8s had a Zoom call with Tristan Bancks, the author of Cop and Robber, which is the book we are currently analysing for English. He showed us his thought process while writing the book, and also while giving us different techniques for our writing.  

His 5 main tips for writing a story were: 

  1.  Read a lot so you can get inspiration and ideas for your story
  2. Write every day, even if it’s just for 5 minutes or just a page. Writing every day will help your brain get into the habit of writing.
  3. Be kind to yourself. If you can’t come up with anything, that’s ok, you shouldn’t be mean to yourself.
  4. Find yourself in the story. Try and imagine that you were in the story. Describe how you would feel about it.
  5. Rewrite and rewrite. Every time you can improve the story and make it better.

It was very helpful that he shared these tips with us, now we can incorporate these into our writing pieces.

He also talked about the struggles of publishing a book, it’s not an easy thing to do.

Cop and Robber took him about 2 years to write, but he had the idea for about 3-4 years. For chapter 1 alone he did about 20-25 drafts. It also took him longer to think of the title and the front cover of the book. We learned that it takes a long time to imagine and actually put together the book.

Tristan explained that he doesn’t do this job for money, he does it for enjoyment. From a very young age, Tristan was very creative and showed interest in this sort of career.

In his books, he is very descriptive, but in Cop and Robber, he doesn’t really describe Nash, the main character. He does this so the audience can build that image in their heads, and make the story different to their liking.

I believe that this was some very interesting information with which he provided us. He shared some very surprising facts like how many drafts it takes for just one chapter. I’m sure that these tips will help us with writing in English.


Sophie McKinlay

Year 8 Knox 3