Wellbeing Report 

Year 12 Leadership Conference

Last week our Year 12 Leaders participated in the Youth Leadership Academy Australia Conference, held at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Run by youth, for youth, the Youth Leadership Conference was designed to inspirestrengthen and empower our future leaders. 

Here are some reflections from our leaders of their experience:

MICHAEL - We heard from a range of guest speakers about how to be better leaders. I personally took away many messages, though I think that the most important one for me, was from Mohamed Semra. He said that he "doesn't believe in rejection, only redirection," a philosophy I strongly resonate with. All the speakers had incredible stories and inspiring ideas to share, and overall it was a great experience that I hope others get the opportunity to have one day.

GAB - The YLAAUS Conference was so valuable to me. I came away from the day feeling inspired and refreshed. Many of the speakers shared stories that I resonated with or felt passionate about. I came home and shared my experience of the day with my family because I felt so moved by the people I met and heard from. I feel able to use the strategies and tips shared by the speakers in my leadership position this year and these are things I will continue to do in my future as a leader after high school. It was fascinating to learn about the various ways we can be leaders and motivate and help people to reach their potential. Today opened my eyes up to the possibility of working in a role to guide and give a platform to young leaders. 

SIENNA - The most inspiring moment of the entire conference was when Mohamed went onto the stage to share his story. While he shared his story because of his race and speech impairment made me think about the things I've personally struggled with. Although I can't relate to his personal experiences, he opened my eyes, making me relive the good and bad parts of figuring out many ups and downs that make the person I am today. 

ALESSIA - Many inspiring and powerful people spoke at the Leadership Conference and shared with us their journey towards their leadership roles. While all of the information was very insightful, from Bonnie’s battle with anxiety, Mo’s battle with racism and a speech impediment, and Fiona’s story of how she came to be CEO of FlourishGirl (an organisation dedicated to women’s mental health), the highlight of the day was the support and respect all of the students from various schools showed to the presenters, visitors, and to the other students. It was such a memorable experience being with like-minded students in an environment where life skills, challenges and advice are shared openly and honestly. 

NATASHAR - My main takeaway from the youth leadership conference was to own your story and to own who you are as an individual, regardless of the thoughts and opinions of others. It is about ensuring to have a positive environment, surrounded by the love and support of not only others but also yourself. I also learnt that it is ok to ask others for help, and to know and acknowledge that you cannot control everything. In order to manage stress and anxiety, make sure to know what you can and cannot control, and find other coping mechanisms to help manage and relieve these feelings.

Staff Professional Learning Day – Wellbeing Focus

Last Friday all staff participated in Professional Learning with Student Wellbeing as the focus.

Our facilitator, Kristy Elliott from Restorative Pathways, had us reflecting on the philosophy of restorative practice, which views relationships and people as the most important aspects of school communities. Our day was spent exploring neuro-psychology and biology – teenage brain function and the impacts on behaviour, and how we as educators can understand the functions of behaviour and work with our students from a restorative approach.

It was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of our role in ensuring that students feel that they matter to us, that we seek to know who they are and how to bring out the best in them, so that they feel safe, confident, ready and excited to learn.


Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing