Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report


As we move into the middle of the term it is time for our students to be settled into a good routine at home and school. Students need to work consistently and persevere to develop the gifts and talents they have been blessed with. It is the time of perseverance and some grit and hard work as we move into the second half of Term 1. 

Generally, our students are doing very well. We encourage you, as always, to please contact your child’s Pastoral Teacher should there be any concerns. Anything it might be helpful for us to know so we can assist or support you with.

Year 7 Reflection Day Friday 10 March 2023 (all day)

A reminder that the Year 7 Reflection Day is on Friday 10 March 2023. The Year 7 students are allowed to wear casual clothes and the Year 11 Youth Ministry Class will be facilitating the first half of the day. We hope this will be an enriching day for all and lead students to further develop some positive friendships and also to go deeper in their relationship with God. A letter with more details has been sent home to Year 7 families.

Monday 13 March 2023: No Classes. Labour Day Public Holiday

A reminder that Monday 13 March 2023 is a public holiday so there will be no classes. We hope all families enjoy the extra day  break over the long weekend.

Digital Devices and Child Safety

We have had some issues we have been dealing with in the last few weeks in relation to inappropriate use of phones at school. Our school policy is for phones to be secure in lockers during the school day. Some of our students have not been keeping to this rule and when we become aware of misuse we have been following this up. We invite parents/guardians/carers to please have conversations with your child/children around the use of phones at school as we work in partnership with you. 


The school would also encourage parents/guardians/carers to check what is on their child’s phone regularly. Students are not to film at school or take photos without the school’s permission and the permission of those being filmed. Hence, we encourage parents/guardians/carers to assist their children in deleting any photos or videos on personal devices that are from in school. This is to support the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community.

Key Dates

Some key dates as we look ahead:

  • Monday 13 March 2023:  Labour Day Public Holiday (No school).
  • Thursday 16 March 2023:  Whole School Swimming Carnival (all day).
  • Monday 27 March to Wednesday 29 March 2023: Year 7 Camp #1.
  • Wednesday 29 March to Friday 31 March 2023:  Year 7 Camp #2.
  • Wednesday 5 April 2023 (early finish time of 1.30pm for students),  last day of classes for students for Term 1, 2023. 
  • Student Progress Meetings at the College (over two days): 
  1. Wednesday 5 April 2023,  2.30 pm-8.00 pm.   
  2. Thursday 6 April 2023 10.00 am-3.00 pm. 
  • Thursday 6 April 2023:  No classes, no students due to Student Progress Meetings.   End of Term 1, 2023.
  • Friday 7 April 2023:  Good Friday.
  • Sunday 9 April 2023:  Easter Sunday. 

Thanks for your support and the privilege of working with your child. We hope you have a great long weekend.

God Bless


Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students