Careers News 

Work Experience

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I must urge all Year 10 students to get their Work Experience placement sorted ASAP. 


With only three weeks left until they are due, I encourage you to use this weekend to go from place to place seeking a position.

Remember, it is harder for employers to say “No” to your face, than it is over the phone, and it is easy for them to ignore emails. Do some research, step outside your comfort zone and your community and cast your net wider to get something meaningful. 

The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to get a placement. 

All students have been emailed another copy of the Work Experience Arrangement form should you need it, or you can collect one from the desk outside my office in the Joseph Centre.

Let’s get cracking Year 10s!


Where will the Jobs be in 2026?    


It is likely that 91.7% of new jobs will require post-school education, and more than three-fifths of the total projected employment growth will occur in high skill level jobs. The four services industries projected to provide more than three-fifths of the total projected employment growth are:

The informative visual below supports the above projection too.



Below is a brief table indicating Industry - Employment Projections which suggest we will see the highest employment growth in these specific areas:

Software and Application Programmers
Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists
Management and Organisation Analysts
General Clerks
Human Resources Managers
Aged and Disability Carers
Registered Nurses
Welfare Support Workers

For an informative browse of employment projections and labour market insights, visit Employment Projections | Labour Market Insights.


Miscellaneous News

Attending Information Sessions, Workshops, Open days and other activities really assist students with Career decision making. Please encourage your child to attend as many relevant things as possible. I will be advertising these in the newsletter but also in the careers newsletter that is emailed weekly to Year 11 and 12 students. 

In the meantime, here are a few to get started …

 Discover Monash Seminar Series

Over the coming months, Monash University will be hosting a number of Discover Monash events or activities.  Unless specified online**, these will be face-to-face events.


Participating in one or more of these events will assist students in making informed choices about their study options after Year 12.

The following events will take place in March, and students are encouraged to register early.

Monash Information Evening


Tuesday 7 March, 6.30 - 8.00pmRegister here 
Discover Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science at Monash (Online)Wednesday 29 March, 6.00 - 7.00pmRegister here 
Discover Medicine (Online)Wednesday 29 March, 5.00 - 6.00pmRegister here 



Please see the attachments regarding the past two careers newsletters.

Have a good weekend.



Ms Elena Flodstrom

Careers and Pathways Coordinator