Year 9 and 10

A peek into year 9 and 10 activities this term

Year 9 Excursion to Lake Dewar

Year 9 students celebrated their final day of Term 1 with an excursion to Lake Dewar Lodge. Teams competed in an Amazing Race, aiming to get the most points. Students participated in activities such as: stand-up paddle boarding, low ropes, balancing, bike riding, memory tests and giant puzzles. Congratulations to ‘The Friendship Group’ who took out the win, a whopping 30 points ahead of second place, and have won a day out in Term 2. 🚣🏻‍♀️

Year 9 Japanese 🍣

Year 9 Japanese class were treated to a sushi-making lesson. Students had to construct and roll their own traditional Sushi. It was lots of fun and delicious. Thank you to Ms Shimizu for organising this fun activity. 


Year 10 Outdoor Ed

Snorkelling 🌊

Year 10 Outdoor Ed students travelled to Queenscliff and headed out for some snorkelling in Port Phillip Bay. Students investigated the different users of the bay and how we can protect it in the future. Students were lucky enough to get up close with some bottlenose dolphins, seals, stingrays and many more marine animals. 

Great Ocean Walk ⛰

The year 10 Outdoor Ed class drove down to Apollo Bay to walk along the Great Ocean Walk. The class hiked 10 KM on the first day whilst travelling along the beach and tracks. The class reflected on how hard the final hill to the campsite at Elliot Ridge was. On the second day, the class walked 12KM to along some tracks through the Otway National Park wet forest and camped at Blanket Bay on the beach. The camp was finished off with some surfing in Lorne before heading back to school. 

Year 10 Geography Docklands Fieldwork Excursion 🛳

In a few short years, the Docklands area has changed from an industrial wasteland to a vibrant, modern residential and recreation hub. This dramatic change has not been easy or inexpensive. Students of Year 10 Geography took to the streets of Melbourne to discover how Docklands has changed over the last 150 years and collected valuable data that contributed to their Fieldwork Report. The Year 10s stopped at eight locations and analysed that area’s level of sustainability and how the area had changed over time to accommodate the vastly growing population.

Year 10 Science 👩🏻‍🔬

The excursion 'Road to Zero' is a student engagement activity for our year 10 Physics unit. Over the Term, students visited Melbourne Museum to explore how roads, vehicles and human behaviour can be improved to reach a goal of zero deaths and serious injuries. Students interact with displays and perform experiments and the data generated, has been used during our lessons. Thank you to all the Science teachers and support staff for organising these engaging excursions.

10 Advanced Science students

Some of our 10 Advanced Science students visited the Driving Learning Program at the Formula One and enjoyed exploring innovative technologies at the STEM hub.

Year 10 PD&T (textiles) 👗

Ms Wills, Ms Brants and Ms Irvin took year 10 PD&T(textiles) and year 11 & 12 Making and Exhibiting students to the National Gallery of Victoria, to view the Alexander McQueen exhibition. They were given a talk on the background of the exhibition and an insight into the designer’s life. They enjoyed lunch by the Yarra in the sunshine and then visited the Ian Potter Centre in Fed Square to see the Top Arts year 12 work from 2022.

A lovely day!