
Term 1 Careers News Highlights

This term the Careers team have been witness to a large number of students seeking out careers advice on Tafe’s, Universities, Apprenticeships and work experience. We would like to acknowledge students hard work and determination across all studies in Term 1. Please see information below regarding careers opportunities in Term 2. 


Year 11 2023 VCE and Careers Expo 


Sunbury College is taking all Year 11 students (attendance is compulsory) to the VCE and Careers Expo on Thursday May 4th. The Expo to be held at Caulfield Racecourse is Australia’s biggest careers and education Expo with an extensive list of exhibitors and seminars. The aim is to give all Year 11 VCE/VM and VCE students the opportunity to explore some of the options available to them when they complete their education as well as gain invaluable access to resources and study advice. Students will travel to the event by bus leaving school at 9.00 am and returning by 3.10 pm and will be accompanied by Senior School staff and VCE/VM/Connect teachers for this activity. Students will be required to complete careers research, attend a seminar where applicable or seek advice about VCE study related issues, remaining in the exhibitor’s enclosure during the event. 


Students are expected to wear Full School Uniform and permission to be completed through Compass. Should you have any queries, please contact Senior School Leader Sarah Heath or Careers Leader Josh Pritchard on 97441066 at the College.


Year 9 & 10 Students


Year 9 students will participate in the Morrisby Profile Assessment and Counselling Program in 2023. Students will complete the assessment on Tuesday 2nd May. Counselling sessions will occur early in Term 3, more information will become available over the course of the year. If you would like to know more, visit:


Students who completed the assessment and counselling in previous years, can continue to access their results and the resources available, if you have forgotten your email and password login, please see Mr. Pritchard and he will make access available for you.


Year 10 students will participate in work experience between June 5th and 16th in Term 2. Students need to source their own work experiment and employers. Students need to complete the pink form and return this to Ms. Cheeseman. Please make a booking with the careers team for work experience ideas or to sign up for white card training. White card training is required for any students who wish to complete work expertise in construction or a trade. 


My Career Portfolio (MCP)

Students are now able to develop and record their Career Action Plans for pathways planning. Students have access the MCP using Compass and their student school email user ID & Passwords. It’s important to remember these details. Students can access their MCP via compass using their login details. If you have forgotten your email and password login, please see Mr. Pritchard and he will make access available for you. Students who need support with pathway planning are encouraged to make a booking with the careers team during Brunch (11.00am-11.40am) or Lunch (1.40pm-2.10pm) via the Careers office in the Hub.



For more information about the My Career Portfolio Program, follow this link for details and login


Please keep an eye on the fortnightly news posts on Compass again throughout Term 2 and enjoy the Easter break.




Sunbury College Careers Team

Mr. Pritchard; Ms. Hoey; Ms. Cheeseman