From the Principal

Michelle Bruitzman

~ Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


This week, I had the pleasure of listening to the Year Six students present their leadership speeches. The leadership positions available for the Year Six students are the Mini Vinnies Team, The Environment Team and the Communication Team. Six students are selected for each of the teams and will work with a member of staff.


The Mini Vinnies Team works on social justice projects that involve raising awareness for communities that may live in poverty or face hardship. They also contribute to the school's fundraising efforts by creating posters and speaking at assemblies. The students who made speeches to be part of this team really showed a great awareness of the responsibility we have to look after others in our local and global communities.


The Environment Team will work together to raise awareness of environmental issues for the students. For example, how to keep our school clean and free from rubbish, being water savers, reducing our electricity consumption. There were many students who demonstrated passion in their interest of the environment and who want to be ambassadors for God's Creation.


The Communication Team is responsible for running assemblies and contributing to the school newsletter. Being part of the Communication Team helps to develop the very important skills of public speaking and confidence in communicating through speaking and writing. 


The difficult decision of who has been successful for these roles rests with their teachers and we hope that by next week we can announce who will form the student leadership teams outlined. A great life lesson in applying for and trying out for something is when you are not successful. The students who are not successful in their attempt to join one of these teams will find there will be other opportunities for leadership. I hope that parents may support their children if they are not successful by explaining to them that sometimes in life you don't always get what you want or think you deserve. This life lesson, while difficult, is very important!

Covid Update

You will have seen letters being emailed that outline the year levels that are currently affected by positive cases of Covid-19. Please help us to keep our school community safe by using the RATs provided to test your child twice per week. We recommend testing before school on Monday and again on Thursday. If your child is positive or is a HouseHold close contact, please contact Kerry in the office as soon as possible 


If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms of cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and/or fever and has tested negative to a RAT they should still stay at home until they are feeling better.


Any child who has tested positive to Covid will not need to continue doing RAT tests for 30 days after testing positive. 


If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Please keep all those affected by the virus in your prayers.


Kind regards,

Michelle Bruitzman
