Student Achievement Awards 

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Caitlin, congratulations on making such a wonderful start to school! You have shown extreme enthusiasm each day while counting the number of the days and challenged yourself by counting all the way to 100! Keep on shining!


Well done Gemma on an amazing first week of school. You showed impressive creative flair when completing your Writer's Notebook entry about 'bubbles', conveying your imaginative ideas with WOW words and a detailed picture.


Octavia, you brighten our class up with your big smile and kind ways each day. Thank you for always contributing to our class discussions and working so hard on your favourite part in 'Pig the Pug'. You drew a brilliant detailed picture of Pig all bandaged up from his big fall. Keep up the great work!


Thank you for being a motivated and independent student with a great love of learning. You are always willing to help and support your friends and the teacher. Well done Lucas!


Well done James on participating in the classroom activities and being willing to answer questions when asked. It was great to see you thinking carefully about your answers and sharing your ideas with the class. Keep it up.


Alysha, you come to school everyday with a smile on your face and such a positive attitude. This week it was so great to hear your fantastic reading and see the care and effort you put into your first Writer's Notebook entry. Great work!


Well done Tina on a wonderful first week at Syndal South. Thankyou for demonstrating our values and trying your best at all times. It was great to see the fantastic effort you put into your 'Love the Character' Writer's Notebook entry. Congratulations!


Congratulations Vihan on your first week at Syndal South. You have settled in magnificently to your new school and have demonstrated our school value of respect by being so helpful and polite when interacting with others in the classroom. Well done.


Congratulations Dan on a wonderful start to Grade 4! You have displayed all of our SSPS values this week. Thank you for showing kindness towards others and trying your best at all times. I can't wait to watch you grow as a learner this year.


Welcome and Congratulations Adaliah on a sensational beginning at Syndal South and 3/4P. It is lovely to witness your bright smile each day and your positive attitude to every new learning task. Well Done!


Well done Samika on a fantastic start to Year 5. You always make an effort to contribute your thoughts in our class discussions and you take pride in the presentation of your work.


Ian has made a terrific start to SSPS. He participates in all class discussions enthusiastically and his friendly manner is enabling him to make lots of new friends. Keep it up Ian!


Congratulations Daisy on your amazing contributions towards our class discussions and the effort you put into your Writers Notebook. You are a Super Star.


Congratulations Mia on a fabulous start to Year 6. I love your positive attitude and the effort you put into all work tasks. Keep up the amazing work!

Junior JapaneseNeesha 

Fantastic work Neesha on your first Japanese lesson of the year. You have shown your enthusiasm for learning Japanese and demonstrated your language skills by greeting Sensei in Japanese! Subarashii ( Excellent). Yoku dekimashita ( Well done).

Senior JapaneseCaue 

Fantastic job on your first Japanese lesson of the year, Caue! Your enthusiastic contributions to the class discussions were infectious and helped create such a positive learning environment for us all. Subarashii ( Excellent). Yoku dekimashita (Well done).