Parenting Tip



Christmas: A Time to Teach Generosity

Christmas is a highlight in the life of most children, but much of the benefit is focused on what they get. Of course one of the blessings of Christmas is giving, so look for ways to teach children generosity this year.


Here are some ideas:


Involve kids in your gift-giving strategy or help them develop their own. Planning, shopping, and wrapping can each provide ways for children to think about blessing others.


Anticipate with your children the delight others will experience when the gifts are opened. Help your child enjoy the fun others will have when receiving gifts.


Ask children the question: "What are you doing this year to make Christmas special for someone else?"


This question alone can help young children as well as teens think of others instead of just themselves. A short discussion can help move kids from selfish tendencies to generosity. The joy of giving is usually discovered only through the practice of giving, so make thinking of others a requirement.


And most importantly, remind children of the generosity of God by sending us the most special gift: his Son.


Generosity is a heart quality. To learn more about developing heart qualities in your children, take a look at chapter 8 in the book, Home Improvement, the Parenting Book You Can Read to Your Kids, by Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.