Various VCAL happenings
The Lakes VCAL program has had an amazing start to the Year. 2022 marks the first time we have both Year 11 and 12 students undertaking the VCAL program. Designed for students who seek a range of pathways post secondary school, including apprenticeships/traineeships, full time employment and further education, the VCAL program uses an applied learning approach to both content and teaching approaches. Here are some examples of this in action currently:
- The Year 12 Literacy class has produced their first learning outcome, an instructional guide on how to succeed and thrive in Year 11 VCAL (based on their own and researched experiences).
- The Year 11 Numeracy students are planning and costing a multi course dinner party.
- In PDS (Personal Development Skills) the Year 12’s are planning a fun games morning for the Year 7’s later in the term between running an OHS audit across the entire secondary campus in Work Related Skills.
- In PDS/WRS the Year 11’s are familiarising themselves with the world of White cards, licenses and preparing themselves to successfully undertake Workplace learning opportunities.
- All students are making their way to a huge range of venues to undertake their VET programs.
- Students in Years 11 and 12 had Nick Contos from HIA speak to them this week regarding opportunities in the Housing Industry. He also shared valuable general knowledge about the world of work and how to not only set up for but maintain success.
Speaking of VET, we were incredibly proud to receive the following feedback about 4 of our Year 11 students and 1 Year 10 student. They attend ONTTC and are undertaking their first year of VET Building and Construction. The feedback included:
‘These students were outstanding in class today, from a behavioural and engagement perspective. An absolute pleasure to be working with.’ Tom Patterson ONTTC
Congratulations to Hayden K, Tavite L, Jesse R, Caleb V and Natalie T.
Fantastic examples of the calibre of VCAL students at The Lakes!
Employability is a huge focus of the VCAL program. We have students looking to gain experience in such diverse fields as animal studies, beauty, child care, community service and a range of building trades. Can you help these students? Do you know someone who can? Please get in contact with Alyce, our school careers advisor or myself if you would like to contribute to the next generation of world makers and changers.
I am privileged to be VCAL Coordinator this year and am truly excited about the program that we are building here at The Lakes. We have always sought to provide students with pathways to suit their needs and a strong, comprehensive VCAL program in addition to our successful VCE program will continue to ensure we are meeting this promise. I look forward to keeping our school community updated with more news from the world of VCAL as the year progresses.
Renee Short
VCAL Coordinator