From our school captain

Year 12 Update
Hi! My name is Angela and I am one of your senior school captains for 2022. I’m really excited to not only be apart of the inaugural Year 12 cohort, but to also be joining the leadership team as one of the first Year 12 captains at the Lakes.
The Year 12s have come in with a fresh and positive mindset after the holidays and we have slowly eased back into a nice rhythm with our studies. We still cannot believe that this is our final year of school and we look forward to making it the best we possibly can!
On Tuesday the 8th of February, parents and carers of Year 12 students attended an information night where they were briefed on the structure of VCE/VCAL and important details regarding their children’s schooling.
We were lucky enough to come away with some goodies from the night, including stationary in preparation for our SAC’s and exams, and most importantly, our Year 12 jackets. This delivery definitely sparked lots of excitement amongst the year level.
In the next few weeks, we are looking forward to participating in:
- 11/12 Volleyball – Thursday Feb 24th
- Procrastination Seminar – Wednesday Feb 23rd
- Careers Interviews – March (8th – 31st)
- Year 12 Elevate Study Session – Tuesday March 15th
- Year 12 Dance Top Class Excursion – Wednesday March 16th
From planning a formal, to thinking ahead about graduation and Year 12 traditions, there is certainly an exciting buzz amongst our year level!
Check in next fortnight for another update from our senior leadership team to see what else we have been getting up to and updates from other year levels!
- Angela R