From the College Principal

Community Announcement
The Lakes South Morang College acknowledges the frustration and concern of our school and broader community to recent incidents that have occurred on the Secondary Campus. This community announcement aims to assist in addressing any questions the community have through transparency of our processes.
Responding to Incidents
Community perception is that we as a school have not taken appropriate action. Outlined below are the College’s actions that are triggered in these types of cases:
- Priority 1 - Ensuring safety for all.
- Violent behaviour is not acceptable nor is adults approaching or threatening students.
- Supporting the victim to address physical and psychological safety.
- Gathering statements of facts from all relevant parties.
- Parent/carer contact to alert an investigation is taking place/has occurred.
- Edusafe notification to Department of Education and Training (DET)- this enables additional avenues of support to the College, including access to support counsellors for all parties requiring support.
- Contact and liaison with Community Police and other police branches
- Suspensions enacted to provide response time to enable further information gathering and mobilisation of supports from the DET regional team.
As per DET procedures:
- re-entry meetings are held with students and their parents/carers;
- co-designed safety plans are developed with students and their parents/carers,
- police instructions and advice are complied with; and,
- trust around the building of a safe and secure environment is re-established.
- In extreme instances, Trespass notices are issued and behaviour review meetings are held to make recommendations on future actions and placements. These are driven by highly skilled Student Engagement Officers from our DET regional office.
All of these processes have been actioned this week and we have had a psychologist on-site to support individuals and families.
Community Reaction
The Lakes South Morang College has been alarmed at the aggression and criticism witnessed on the Parent/Carer Community Facebook page - a private group not managed or moderated by the school.
It was not the College’s decision to archive the site on Saturday, and we are deeply concerned that our community perceived we did this.
At College Council this week, it was acknowledged that the Parent/Carer Community page provided many families with a useful forum through which they were able to come together to communicate and collaborate. As such, we have decided the College will establish an official Lakes Parent/Carer Facebook page to facilitate community questions, sharing and support.
As a first step, The Lakes South Morang College will hold a planning consultation on Wednesday February 23rd at 9.30am in the Secondary Administration meeting space. This will allow us to consult with the school community to enable: outlining of the conditions of membership; consider the administration and moderation needs; and, create protocols for acceptable use that reflect The Lakes school values – Respect, Teamwork, Leadership and Learning.
To express your interest in participating in this consultation, please contact the General Office at Secondary on 9401 3919.
Please note: Government directives require all parents/carers attending on-site to adhere to make wearing mandates and provide evidence of double vaccination.
It is crucial to the safety of all members of our school community that we as adults model our values to ensure belonging is at the centre of our purpose.
Kerrie Heenan College Principal
on behalf of Bill, Marcus and Bonnie collectively with the school council.
School Council Elections
At the closing of nominations for school council the following nominations had been received
Parents -Helen S, Josie B, Briohny V and Grant V
DET – Laura H and George S
Student – Adele S
As the number of nominations matched the vacancies I have great pleasure in declaring all duly elected and look forward to working on the next part of The Lakes journey.