Process and Policy Snippets

Our duty of care requires the school to know where students are at all times during a school day.
Parents should use the Compass portal (app or web-based) to approve all student absences of up to one week. Ideally this is done by 8:40 am on the first day of absence.
For students leaving during the day notification must be made via Compass or in writing (including email) to the Year Level Coordinator.
Any student under 16 years of age who needs to leave school during the day will need to be collected by a parent/ guardian or person listed as an emergency contact. Please ensure that our records are up to date regarding emergency contacts.
Your support with these matters is greatly appreciated.
Smart Device Use Policy: If students bring a mobile phone to school then they are powered off and placed in their locker between 8.40am and 3.05pm - this includes recess and lunchtime. The benefits of not accessing mobile phones during the day are well documented and support positive student wellbeing, engagement and learning outcomes.
Mobile phones owned by students at Princes Hill Secondary College are considered valuable items and if brought to school it is at the owner’s risk. If students do bring such devices to school, Princes Hill Secondary College accepts no liability for loss or damage and students should always store them in a secure place. At Princes Hill Secondary College students are required to store their phones in their locker.
Student insurance: PHSC and the Department do not provide student accident or ambulance cover. Parents/carers may wish to obtain student accident insurance cover and/or ambulance cover, depending on their health insurance arrangements and any other personal considerations. Ambulance cover is strongly recommended as subsequent costs can be very high ($12000+) whilst an annual family subscription is less than $100 per annum.
Privacy - reminder: Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Department of Education Schools’ Privacy Policy
Please take time to remind yourself of the collection statement, which is also found on our website: About PHSC / School Policies
For more information about privacy, see: Schools’ Privacy Policy – information for parents and the privacy collection notice .
This information is also available in ten community languages:
* Amharic
* Arabic
* Dari
* Gujarati
* Mandarin
* Somali
* Sudanese
* Turkish
* Urdu
* Vietnamese.