Year 11 Biology Prac 


Our Biology students have completed their first prac. Below are some examples of stained onion cells which they have been studying.


Young Leaders of the West Schools Podcast Challenge in 2022


This week students in the VCAL program participated in the Young Leaders of the West Schools Podcast Challenge where they learnt about gambling and the harm it can have within a community. Together with Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation and LIVE FM, the students worked together to create a 50 minute podcast where they crafted questions and interviewed a range of experts.


An exciting aspect of this project is the chance to compete against many other local schools. The school podcast with the greatest reach (i.e. the most live, podcast and video listeners/viewers) will win a professional podcast kit for their school.  


Each school’s podcast will be recorded live and broadcast across its neighbourhood and the world, on global radio station LIVE FM ( during Gambling Harm Awareness Week in October this year.


We can’t wait to share our final Podcast with the community.