Senior School Prize Giving 

Monday 5 December 2022

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your family to our Senior School Prize Giving evening on Monday 5 December in the Tasman Room, Wrest Point at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. 


Students are required to arrive at the venue by 6.30pm and will be seated in the designated areas with their Homeroom teachers. The formal uniform (no jumpers) is to be worn in line with the College's Uniform Guidelines. 


Students who are involved in the Drama item are to arrive by 6.00pm, and those involved in the Music groups by 6.15pm.


All Years 7 to 9 students are to wear their PE uniform to school on Monday 5 December. The Years 7 and 8 students will travel to Wrest Point that morning at 8.45am for a rehearsal, along with all students involved in the Drama and Music performances. 


Students will be dismissed from school at 12.40pm in readiness for the evening.


The Year 12 students are to arrive at Wrest Point by 1.15pm for their rehearsal together with the 2023 Year 12 Prefects.


This is a very special evening for St Mary’s College where we honour our prize winners, student achievements and celebrate the school year.  


As previously communicated, attendance is compulsory for all Years 7 to 12 students. Parent and carer attendance is encouraged. 


If, due to unforeseen circumstances—such as illness, your daughter is unable to attend Prize Giving, please notify the College Principal, Damian Messer:  


The evening is expected to conclude at 9.00pm.