ART - Years 10 - 12

Australian Wildflowers and Lino Prints

Students have been inspired by the Contemporary Lino Prints of Lynn Weir and Rachel Newling. Students researched and made visual notes about Australian Wildflowers that are currently blooming in the school grounds. Students successfully developed their printmaking skills and techniques to produce original and unique lino prints. Well done on a creative response to our natural environment.


Artist - Eric - Year 10
Artist - Valery - Year 10
Artist - Alya - Year 10
Artist - Marylilah
Artist - Keona
Artist - Eric - Year 10
Artist - Valery - Year 10
Artist - Alya - Year 10
Artist - Marylilah
Artist - Keona



Environmental Design

Year 11 VCD students have successfully completed their Environmental Design task by examining floor plans, planometric drawings and elevations and produced interior design ideas for their own small house. 


Artist - Hope - Yr 11
Artist - Gracia - Yr 11
Artist - Fareha - Yr 11
Artist - Ayden - Yr 11
Artist - Ash - Yr11
Artist - Hope - Yr 11
Artist - Gracia - Yr 11
Artist - Fareha - Yr 11
Artist - Ayden - Yr 11
Artist - Ash - Yr11

Students also developed their communication design skills by developing images of stylized animals and typography for their ‘Zoo Treats’ Design Brief. Students used Google Drawings to create a packaging net and 3D bag design. 


Great work everyone!


Adrienne Johnson

Art Teacher