Library News 

COHR Library - Welcome Back - "The Books Missed You!"


Welcome to our school library for 2023!  We are looking forward to enjoying our library space - in our lessons, lunchtime clubs, Book Week and a Book Fair!


All students have a weekly 45 minute lesson where a story is read and discussed. Students have time to borrow and are expected to borrow either weekly or fortnightly. Each class has a library box where returned books can be placed. To help protect our books, all students are encouraged to have a library bag and we thank those students that do.


Scholastic Bookclub at COHR

COHR is pleased to work with Scholastic Australia and provide a book club where families can purchase books for their children.  Each term there are two issues with a variety of books on offer for all ages.  Students will bring home the brochures, families can peruse and then order online.  If you do happen to place an order at school, we ask that you have correct cash or use the credit facilities. 

Issue 1 was sent home last week and is in a new format like a newspaper this year!  If you would like to purchase any of the books, orders need to be in by Friday 17th February.


We thank our volunteer Mums - Anna Saraullo & Agnes Bermingham for coordinating these orders for the past few years - HOWEVER, Anna and Agnes are Yr 6 Mums and they finish up at the end of the year.  We are looking for a couple of new parents to take this job on in 2023. It is a job that can be done at home and only requires minimal time each issue as many orders are placed online so you are really just collating and finalising and submitting the order on behalf of the school.  Anna and Agnes are both happy to meet and guide you through what you have to do.  If this sounds like a job you could take on, perhaps grab another parent to assist you, then please let me, the office staff or Anna and Agnes know.  COHR certainly benefits from Scholastic Book Club as we receive rewards in the form of free books - that certainly makes up happy!! 


STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

New stories are being added all the time!!

COHR has a subscription for Storybox Library for all our families to enjoy.

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Access Storybox Library on your Smart TV and enjoy listening to stories on your big screen!

 Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.

Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020


We look forward to a whole year of reading the many books we have in our library!

Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling