Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


A big WELCOME BACK as we commence our new school year. It is certainly lovely to have the children back and settling into school life once again. A special welcome also to our new families who have joined our community with our new Prep intake as well as children who have joined us in other classes. We hope you enjoy your time here at COHR and feel very welcome in our community.


This year our school theme is;


'With God all things are possible'

The beginning of the year is so full of promise, full of expectation, full of trepidation, full of eagerness to simply get started, as well as, a fear of actually taking the first steps.

But our steps are not keep believing, trusting and praying, for God is saying to you today, 'I'm going to help you'.

As we move through the year ahead let us continually remind ourselves that there are things that we cannot do with our own strength. So, let's be patient, yet persistent and turn to God who is always there to help for with God all things are possible.


This edition of the newsletter has plenty of news and information and I would encourage all families to take the time to read through what is happening and what is planned for COHR in 2023.

Parent Information Evenings

These meetings will be a valuable opportunity to meet class teachers, hear more about class expectations and responsibilities of your children as well as hearing a little about the focus of the year. 

Meetings will be held via a Google Meet. Each classroom teacher will send the link to parents prior to the meeting. These meetings will run for approximately 40-50 minutes and will take place on the following days next week.


Monday 13th February     5/6 Level – 6:30pm    


Wednesday 15th February   Prep – 6:30pm

                                                   1/2 Level - 7:30pm

   Thursday 16th February  3/4 Level – 6:30pm 

Parent Teacher Chats 

Parents are invited to meet with their child's classroom teacher on either Tuesday 21st Feb (3:50pm - 6pm) or Wednesday 22nd Feb (3:50-6:00pm). These interviews will be held face-to-face at school. Parents wishing to meet via a Google Meet are asked to make a booking online and then make a request directly to your child's classroom teacher to request a Google Meet link.

These conversations are an opportunity for parents to share with their child's teacher relevant information which will assist the teacher to better understand the needs of their child as a learner. Interviews have been allocated in 10 minute time slots. Bookings can be made through School Interviews;

Using the code:  ae46y

Please note these bookings will not open until Monday 13th February.

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

This year we are excited to begin our collaboration with the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP). The SAKGP, provides a fun & hands-on introduction to food education by teaching children to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal and delicious food.

Karen Gosling has volunteered to coordinate the program, and John Bernardo (past parent) has generously agreed to continue to work with the children in the garden - planting, tending and harvesting delicious fresh produce. Two of our mums, Stella Argyriou and Laura Petrie, are also assisting with the coordination of this program.

At this stage the plan is for each class to spend half a day per Term in the kitchen preparing and cooking dishes with their peers, teachers and volunteer helpers. The children will then sit together to share the meal with their classmates.

This program relies on 4 – 5 volunteers to run each session, and without that help the sessions will not be able to go ahead. We welcome all adults in our community to come along and work with the children for these sessions – parents, carers, grandparents, godparents, aunties, uncle (the list goes on!). The only requirement is a current ‘Working with Children’ check.


The Term 1 sessions are detailed below, and we will publish further dates in advance of the sessions:


Monday 13th February 9.20 – 11am: 5/6C

Monday 13th February 11.40am – 1.20pm: 5/6I

Friday 24th February 11.40am – 1.20pm: 5/6G

Friday 3rd March 9.20 – 11am: 3/4G

Friday 3rd March 11.40am – 1.20pm: 3/4H

Monday 27th March 9.20 – 11am: 1/2KG

Monday 27th March 11.40am – 1.20pm: 1/2RG


Please note: Preps will begin the program in Term 2, to allow them time to settle into the new school routine.

Medication / Medical forms

Medications may only be administered to students in accordance with written medication authority together with a fully completed, signed and dated Medical Management Plan for ongoing medical needs or a letter provided by a registered health practitioner regarding the presenting health needs.

A Medical Management Plan should include written advice related to the medical condition covering the need for the medication, prescribed dosage, method and timing for administering the medication. Medication should be provided to the school administration by the parent/guardian/carer in the original container and the label outlines instructions for administration/application of the medication, as well as relevant storage instructions, particularly regarding temperature.

We are no longer permitted to administer Panadol or antihistamines without written approval from a doctor.

We would remind parents to also update your child's Operoo details if required.

Prep Family Pizza Night

Tonight we will be holding a Prep Family Pizza Night on the oval from 5:30pm-7:00pm. This is a great opportunity to get together at the start of the new year and meet some of the other Prep families, share a meal and……. best of all, have the night off from cooking. 

Icy Poles

All children were offered a FREE lemonade icy pole today after our shared picnic lunch, compliments of the Parents Association. Commencing tomorrow, icy-poles will be on sale every Friday at lunch time for $1 during Term 1.

School Fees

A hard copy of the school fees are being sent home today. Please be reminded that these can be paid as a lump sum or installments throughout the year. Setting up a direct debit is an option we would strongly encourage . Please contact the office to arrange this. We ask that fees are finalised by the end of October.

MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) have a School Fees Concession Program policy to assist families who may be experiencing financial hardship. A copy of this policy and application is attached for eligible families.

Staffing 2023

Our staffing for 2023 will be as follows:

Prep        Jill Palermo/Nicole Russell

Year 1/2 Kim Goddard

Year 1/2 Rachael Goldring

Year 3/4 Maya Howard

Year 3/4 Karen Gosling

Year 5/6 Ilona Cetrola

Year 5/6 Clare Inwood

Year 5/6 Molly Greely


Administration Staff

Rachel Bernardo

Sandra Counihan



Resource Centre & ICT - Karen Wakeling 

Physical Education - Sue Tobin 

Performing Arts - Millie Hutchings

LOTE (Italian) - Silvana Pansino 

Visual Arts - Jo Cowan


Learning Diversity

Suzanne Neil 

Learning Enhancement

Nicole Russell


Learning Supports Officers

Lorraine Hill

Isabelle Georgalas

Anna Giannikos

Carolyn Heil

Catherine Colonnelli


Deputy Principal/RE Leader - Jo Cowan

Principal - Brendan Welsford

Extra Curricular Activities

Last year we sought feedback from parents regarding their interest in having their child/children involved in extra-curricular activities here at school. There was strong interest in having instrumental lessons as well as a coding club.


We have engaged with the company 'Code Camp', who are requesting an expression of interest from parents having their child participate in an eight week program commencing Term 2.

Please use the attached link to find more information about the program and to submit your expression of interest.



We are currently negotiating with a company regarding the introduction of an instrumental program



Tennis lessons are currently offered by Eastern Tennis Academy before school. Enquires can be made by contacting the academy on 9836 0097


Here's to a wonderful year of learning in 2023.


Take care and keep safe everyone


Brendan Welsford