College Board


Board Chair - Mick Pratt
Board Chair - Mick Pratt

Over the past ten months, the College has been engaging in a self-assessment cycle. This means that the leadership team have spent considerable time getting feedback from the school community. As a Board, we were involved in those conversations.


What was apparent was that our students are afforded some amazing opportunities. The facilities and resources that the College has available are outstanding and are of great benefit to our children. However, as the assessment expanded, it identified some areas of improvement. 


One of those areas was the student timetable. The review identified that while the College offered a wide range of courses, not all students could access all courses.

There were also some concerns with some areas of the College not meeting some compliance requirements. This came at a cost to student outcomes, student engagement, compliance obligations with the Training Accreditation Council and the Department of Education. 

This meant that changes had to occur. Some of these changes were made rapidly to support renewed compliance. This is true of the new timetable. The new timetable attempts to bring equity across the school, provide improved student choice and increases compliance rates.   

In 2023 students will have more choice, greater flexibility, class sizes will be reduced and nominal hours set by School Curriculum and Standards Authority will be met. 


As a Board, we represent staff and parents. We know that the rapid changes that are occurring at the College are causing some stress in some areas of our school community. As a Board, we support the leadership team’s actions and know that regular self-assessment is healthy. It creates energy and provides opportunity. We also know that change, without clear communication, creates uncertainty. We encourage anyone with questions to contact the school. 


Board Chair

Mick Pratt