Twilight Sports - 7 February

Twilight Sports – Tuesday 7th February


All families are invited to our 

Twilight Sports evening next Tuesday, 7th February, on the oval.


Come along to meet families, old and new, 

while enjoying a picnic / sausage sizzle and games evening.


Sausage sizzle begins at 6pm Sausage (with or without onions and sauce) - $2.50 Drinks - $1Icy poles - $1


Family games - 6pm to 6.45pm – Parachute, Basketball, Volleyball, Skipping ropes and other small equipment


Races - 6.45pm to 7.15pm - Students and family members 

are invited to participate in a variety of picnic races.


Bring - Chairs or a picnic blanket.


We'd love to see you all there. You can join in the games provided or cheer from the side lines.  Children do not need to wear their school uniform.