Media News

Lighting, composition and depth-of-field make up the core of photography and film. This week I had the opportunity to participate in a photography workshop. Students from years 10 to 12 were fortunate to experience a hands-on workshop with Chris Scott, a local photographer with years of experience in the field. Chris worked for The Herald-Sun for a number of years and photographed many famous names such as Quentin Tarantino, One Direction and Pink during his career.
Chris got the students involved as models and camera aids demonstrating different shots and portraits using natural outdoor lighting. After watching Chris take a few shots, he showed us the result of adjusting the ISO, aperture, finding the right light and using reflectors to help light the subject. We were able to practice these skills and take our own portraits with friends. This activity was really beneficial for me to listen to Chris explain his process with photography and understand the significant and sometimes symbolic difference that lighting and positioning of the model and the light can make.
During the afternoon we were joined by other Media students for another workshop with Chris. This time we were working inside with a studio set-up and studio lighting, Chris again demonstrated different portrait shot types and lighting types using students in demonstrations to make the learning quite interactive and engaging.
It was a very exciting day and I'm very grateful for the opportunity to work alongside Chris and learn from his experiences. What a great way to end the year!
Anneliese Etulain
Yr 12
Rose Maloney
VCE Media Teacher