Music News

Music at Kardinia Parkside Aged Care
On Tuesday 29th November, twelve of our vocal students walked down to Kardinia Parkside Aged Care Community to perform Christmas Carols and other songs in their groups to the residents.
The residents were thrilled to see our students put on such a great show and are eager to have more music students perform there in future. Well done to these students!
This also wraps up what was a huge year for the music department, with only Grade 6 Orientation performances on the 13th December being the only event remaining on the calendar.
I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who undertook music lessons this year for the hard work and dedication to their learning and for their positive attitude and involvement in the program.
Also thanks to our hard working instrumental staff and for the school leadership team for their support of the music program.
Finally, thanks to all the parents and carers for supporting your child in learning music, we couldn’t have done it without you!
Mr John Kingma
Director of Music