Key Dates for Term 1, 2023


Please note the following key dates for the Term 1, 2023:  


Friday 27th January All staff return to MFG for professional learning day (no students) 
Monday 30th January   

Year 7 HomeGroup interviews 

Year 12 students special program

No other students at school 

Tuesday 31st January All students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 return – normal classes 
Wednesday 1st February 

Whole School Assembly and Smoking Ceremony – 9.05am

Parents and carers welcome 

Wednesday 15th February MFG Swimming Carnival 
Wednesday 8th March MFG Open Night 
Monday 13th March Labour Day Public holiday 
Tuesday 14th March Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conferences – 12-7pm (no classes on this day)
Wednesday 15th March NAPLAN begins
Damien Toussaint
Damien Toussaint








Damien Toussaint, 

Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching