Principal’s Message

Mrs Katherine Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to Sacred Heart School for 2023. I hope that everyone has had a chance to relax and is ready to commence another exciting year here at school. We warmly welcome our new kindergarten students and new families of students in other year groups who are joining us this year and I trust that you will enjoy getting to know the Sacred Heart family.


Over the holidays our school refurbishment continued with the painting and carpeting of the classrooms completed as well as the doors to the new classroom installed. Once the new blinds, pin boards and furniture are installed we will have an open day and blessing of our new spaces.


Thank you to everyone who volunteered over the holidays through our school working bees. We ended up having three in total and we are incredibly grateful for the time offered as we are now ready to start the new school year with all classrooms and the library reinstated.


The classroom structure for 2023 will be as follows:


K-2: Mrs Kath Baird, Miss Tahlia Morrissey, Mrs Shelley Roseby and Mrs Sharon Mitchell.

3-6: Mrs Katie Goddard, Mrs Shelley Roseby, Mrs Kath Fenton and Mrs Leah Rees.


Mrs Cheryl Fenton will join our team this year as our Release from Face to Face (RFF) and will work across both K-2 and 3-6. 


After working tirelessly here at SHS, Bill Jackson has decided to take a step back from his role as groundsperson. We thank Bill and Nan for their commitment and hard work to ensure our school looks presentable and smart. We will thank Bill and Nan at school early in the term.

If you know of anyone who is looking for some groundsperson work at our school and are able to get a Working With Children Check, please let me know.


Advertising for our 2023 transition program has commenced. If you know of anyone wishing to enrol their child for 2024 and participate in the transition program this year, please let me know. Program details and enrolment forms are available by contacting Ms Traynor in the Office.


If you know of anyone who is intending to enrol at Sacred Heart either in Kindergarten or any other year group for 2023, please encourage them to contact me at school. 


Happy birthday to all of our students who celebrated their birthday in December: Frank, Emily, Coen G and Ivy; and in January: Theresa, Grace, Georgie, Archer and Dougie.

We hope you all have a fantastic day!


Take care,


Kath Baird
