From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


It was with great sadness that I share the news that our beloved Kerry O'Connell's husband passed away at the weekend. Kerry greets every child by name, she knows their birthdays and checks in on each and every one that comes through the office each day. We have missed her smiling face this week and I ask that you keep Kerry and her family in your prayers. Losing someone dear is difficult at any time of year, Christmas time is so much harder. 


As we prepare to close the doors of the school for the end of the year, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all. Thank you for the warm welcome I received as I joined the community of St Therese's. Thank you all for the care and support you show the staff of our school. Thank you for everything you do for and with our community. The fact that, slowly, we have been able to start hosting events and throwing the doors open has shown that the future looks so much more positive. 


For those of you whose time with us has come to an end, I wish you farewell and good luck to the children, whether they are starting high school or a new primary school.


I hope that each of you has a restful break this Christmas and that you get to enjoy some quality time with your children. With luck, the weather will start to improve and we won't all be stuck indoors for the duration of the school holidays.


Prayerful moment


Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year,

Felicity Broughton
