Sports @ BSC

School Sport Wrap Up


Where has this year gone?? 


As I sit and reflect on what our school, our students and our sport faculty have achieved in a short 4 terms, I am amazed and so incredibly thankful to be leading this amazing team and setting the example for the College. 


Coming off the back of COVID years, we were all excited (and a bit apprehensive) to get everything up and running again. And my goodness did SSV and our students deliver. We have had a number of students representing our College in a wide range of events and sports. Congratulations to all students who gave it their all. A massive thank you must go out to the teachers and staff who volunteered their time and skill to support our teams and take them to events all over Gippsland. 


There have been so many additional activities as part of our Active Schools Victoria scheme. These have ranged from skate club, staff gym sessions, GippSport Street Games, and an abundance of equipment and activities to help keep everyone active at break times. The most popular by far has been the table tennis, and we are in the process of bringing a third one into the school for next year. Our school has truly excelled in upping our active opportunities for students, and I had the pleasure of representing our College at a School Sports Victoria (SSV) panel and encouraging other schools to follow our lead in being an active school. 


On a more personal note, I would like to issue a massive thank you to Renee Barry. She has been such a pivotal part in the school sport and our overall achievements in her role as the Sport Assistant. Her dedication to the role ensured that buses were booked, permission notes were returned, equipment ready to go, and she attended almost every sporting event. Renee will be greatly missed, but we wish her all the very best for her family adventure. 



We welcome Kiara Berry to the team to take on the role that Renee is vacating. If you see her around, please introduce yourself and say hi.


Sport around the School


Gaga Ball has hit Bairnsdale Secondary with an entrance the Lady Gaga herself would be proud of. Students (and staff) have taken to the Gaga pit every morning, break and even as class rewards. Kevin and Mitch did such a fabulous job creating and making the pit, and I am so thankful that they bought our vision to life. 



For those who don’t know the rules, fear not, they are on a sign next to the entrance to the pit. The best way to learn is through playing, and everyone will help you out. So, get in there and have some fun! 


Sport Events for 2023


There are a couple of sporting events early up in 2023. Expressions of Interest are on the Compass Newsfeed now. You MUST fill this out to sign up for any interschool sport.


If you have concerns or questions, please speak to Miss Poynton.


School Swimming Sports CarnivalWeek 3, Term 1
East Gippsland CricketWeek 4, Term 1
East Gippsland Tennis and VolleyballWeek 8, Term 4
East Gippsland Boys AFLWeek 9, Term 1