Wurrin News - Years 8 & 9


Hub Reflection

Week 10, wow! What a year we’ve all had together. 


On the 25th of November as a hub, we said farewell to our Year 9 students before they transitioned into the Malgobila building for their senior years of schooling. The video montage was a highlight for us all, to see how far students have come and grown up. 


This time of year is always bitter sweet in the hub because we’re sad to say goodbye to the faces we’ve got to know, but we are excited to welcome the Year 7 students as they transition into Year 8. 


We are so pleased with how the transition period is going, we are emphasising routine and structure and aim for all students to be: in class, on time, on task and giving everything a go - we have seen a lot of this. Moving into new classes and getting to know new faces is always a bit scary for all, staff included, but we’re blown away by the resilience and strong work ethic we’ve seen everyday. 


We are looking forward to ending the transition period positively with all students and continuing to work with and support them in 2023! 


The 8/9 Hub Team. 

Year 8 (2022)
Year 9 (2022)
Year 8 (2022)
Year 9 (2022)

Student Reflections

Year 8 (2023)

Sara, Heidi and Anna:


We all found starting 'head start' and moving into Year 8 pretty easy. About the only thing to get used to was the new teachers we have.


Also the new session times were confusing at first and took a bit of time to get used to.

Our advice would be to settle in and you will get back into a routine. Don't over think it; it's not as daunting as it seems.

Sara 11/02/2022
Sara 06/12/2022
Sara 11/02/2022
Sara 06/12/2022
Anna 11/02/2022
Anna 06/12/2022
Anna 11/02/2022
Anna 06/12/2022
Heidi- Orientation day Dec 2021
Heidi 05/12/2022
Heidi- Orientation day Dec 2021
Heidi 05/12/2022


Kodi and Thomas:


Transferring to Year 8 was not a frightening process for us because it was all pretty clear what we had to do from the assemblies, as well as the teachers guiding us through the process. One of the best parts of moving into Year 8 was getting to know all our new teachers because we have different teachers from when we were in Year 7.

Kodi and Thomas 11/02/2022
Kodi and Thomas 05/12/2022
Kodi and Thomas 11/02/2022
Kodi and Thomas 05/12/2022

Year 9 (2023)



As a student at Bairnsdale Secondary College and going through my own experiences of transitioning my perspective may differ from every student. I believe that transition for 2023 has been really fluent and enjoyable however there has been a lot to adapt to, like our new classmates, teachers and especially the new times.


I have enjoyed my first week in Year 9 as I am now doing my electives that I chose. I love electives because you’re able to focus your skills on subjects that interest you or you want to try. I also believe that electives prepare you and set the stage for new interests, college majors, and career paths.


Even though many of my teachers have been understanding about all of the changes, we are all still adapting including the teachers. 


During the breaks the College has provided us with many games to play like down ball, totem tennis, basketball, and the newest addition the gaga ball pit which has been a huge success. The new gaga pit has let students enjoy their breaks more and have helped people make some new friends.


Overall, I’m happy with how my time at Bairnsdale Secondary College is going and I can't wait for the future.




Overall, this year has been quite a good one. It has been our first year at high school with no interruptions.. We have had as little cancelations as possible and have been able to enjoy  many activities outside of school. My experience as a Bairnsdale Secondary College student doing transition into Year 9 has gone rather smoothly. 


One of the more straightforward aspects of this transition to me has been the times changing. I attended 754 Primary School in my earlier schooling years and the times there are very similar compared to our school now. The students across our school have different opinions on these times. Some love it as we get to do more subjects whereas others don’t like it as much. This is because majority of our sessions are doubles and it can feel more like a two-hour session rather than two smaller sessions.


During my first week as a Year 9 student, I have enjoyed it so much. The experience with choosing my own subjects has been nice and a new experience for everyone. I think I settled in well and have somehow managed to make it to all my classes with only getting lost once. I am yet to make new friends, but I hope I will be able to soon, if not next year.


Year 9 so far has been up and down but I have enjoyed it so much and can’t wait to see what opportunities it will open up for me in the future.

Ruby, Emily
Ruby, Emily


Students at work!

Our 2023 Year 8 students have adjusted well to the new 5 session timetable and are hard at work in their new classes.

Wilton, Durome
Bradley, Malakai
Wilton, Durome
Bradley, Malakai




Our 2023 Year 8 students have been settling into their Science class creating posters showing body organs.