
Instrumental Music Rap Up


What a year 2022 has been in the music department, the music program has been very busy with a full year of performances including a return to the Music Tour.


As we finish the year, I would like to thank all the music families for their support, the music staff for their dedicated work, the College staff (especially office and Hub staff) for their assistance and the students for their continued enthusiasm and drive to learn.


As our young musicians go off on holiday, I would like to remind them that their instruments work well at home, holidays being an ideal time to practise and experiment with new pieces. Try looking on the internet for new music or put in a Christmas order. 


2023 will bring new and exciting challenges to the instrumental music program at Bairnsdale SC. I wish everyone the very best and a well-deserved summer break 


Kim Green -Instrumental Music Coordinator


AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board)


This year our College had three students take up the offer to complete an AMEB exam. The students travelled to Sale for the exam and were accompanied on the piano by Julie Lockhart. The results were fantastic with Cody receiving an A+ for grade 4 tenor saxophone, Nick a B+ for grade 2 trumpet and Lily a B+ for grade 3 clarinet.


Music Tour


Finally a ‘Music Tour’ and what a tour it was. Students performed 2 or sometimes 3 concerts a day to audiences around South Gippsland. The group of musicians were well received wherever they went, with the audiences dancing, singing and rapturously listening to the wonderful sounds our musicians made.



Accelerando Program


Saturday December 3rd saw James  and fellow BSC musicians, Callum, Aleka, Patrick and James Newman, perform in the Primrose Potter Room at the Melbourne Recital Centre. They gave a magnificent performance demonstrating a high level of professionalism and entertainment for the audience. This performance is one the musicians can be proud of and it reflects very well on our school.




Re-enrolment forms are now overdue. We need families to return these forms to make forward planning easier. Students already in the program will have received a form with their book list. Any current BSC students not already in the program but who wish to join should also fill out an enrolment form. Spares can be obtained in the music centre.




Sadly, we say goodbye to Kees Dogger and John Smith this year as they are both retiring. Both have made a significant contribution to the BSC music program and they will be sorely missed. 



We are looking forward to seeing them occasionally in the Music Centre as they do some volunteer work with us. We thank them for their years of service and wish them the best for their retirement.



Summer Gala Concert


On Wednesday 7th December the Instrumental Music program held their Summer Gala Concert.  The concert was a huge success and a fitting way for the Instrumental Music Program to end the year. The audience was entertained by an amazing range and selection of music with the culmination being an ‘all in’ performance of Jingle Bells arranged by James Newman. 


Many people were thanked for their participation in the music program this year and we said a sad goodbye to the Year 12 students who are leaving us. 


2022 Year 12 students
2022 Year 12 students


Important Dates 
Tuesday 13th December Intermediate Band Performance at Orientation Assembly
Thursday 15th DecemberPresentation Evening (senior ensembles)
Friday 25th February  Swing Band Performance at Bairnsdale Golf Club