
Library books are due back!

It's that time of the year when all students should be returning all their library loans. Students are welcome to borrow anything they need or would like to read for the summer holidays, they just need to arrange this with the library. Come talk to our friendly staff and they will adjust the due date to 2023.


If you are unsure what library loans are out in your name please ask the Library staff, or you can log in to your borrowing details on any device connected to the internet. Just go to our College library catalogue!dashboard. You can also access this through the Student dashboard, or via the College website. From here just click on 'Guest' in the top right hand corner, choose the 'Login via SSO' option and use your Compass credentials to login.

Overdue notices are sent out to students via email (their school email address). If a resource is more than 3 months overdue a notification will also be sent to parents via email. Thank you for your support in helping our students return what they have borrowed and keeping our library up-to-date.

Digital Design Competition

We are looking for artworks to create signs for our library. So, if you have a talent for drawing or designing, we are looking for original black and white line drawings (shading can only be in small areas of the picture) to burn onto wood to make signs, like this one of the Death Star for our Science Fiction collection.

There are several signs that we are looking to create, so you can enter as many designs in as many categories as you choose! We are hoping to make a sign for each section of our library:

  • Horror
  • Crime
  • Mystery and Suspense
  • True Stories
  • Humour
  • Sports Stories
  • School Stories
  • Historical Fiction
  • General Fiction
  • Australian Fiction
  • War Stories
  • Action and Adventure
  • Dystopian Fiction
  • Animal Stories
  • Love Stories
  • Supernatural

Winners will be judged by our library staff team. Your design will only be used to create the sign, and then the digital file will be deleted, to protect your intellectual property. Your name will also be engraved onto the base of the sign, along with your 2023 year level.

Submissions close March 10th, 2023