
Welcome back! We are excited to welcome our new Prep students for their very first year, as well as all our returning 2023 students. 


We understand that starting a new school year, especially with new teachers and classmates, can be an exciting yet challenging time. Rest assured, that we are here to support your child through this transition and help them thrive at school. Our dedicated teachers and staff are ready to support all students to feel comfortable, confident and excited to start this new journey.


Wishing you all a great start to the school year.

Ben - Wellbeing and Maths Leader

Wellbeing Lessons

Our school will continue to teach specific Wellbeing lessons each week in all classrooms. Analysing our Wellbeing data from 2022, has allowed us to focus on our students areas of need. This will focus on a combination of the Respectful Relationships units (Help Seeking, Stress Management, Problem-Solving and Positive Coping), Resilience Project units (Gratitude, Emotional Literacy, Empathy and Mindfulness) and CyberSafety Incursions.


Safer Internet Day - Tues 7/2

Between Monday and Wednesday we celebrated Safer Internet Day with one of our 4 termly CyberSafety Incursions. Ollie Online joined us back in the classroom for some fun and focussing around being safe and respectful online. Please see below the parent information sheets from these sessions to help drive further learning and discussions at home.


HS at Home Digital Recommendations

With holidays and an increase of screen time behind us, a friendly reminder of some basic recommendations for our Holy Spirit Families regarding technology and screen use at home.


Minecraft - Grade Prep up, local play only

Roblox - Grade 3 up, parent control activated. See Inform and Empower information on parental controls.

Fortnight - Grade 5 up, no discord or chat feature recommended.


All Social Media accounts, in particular TikTok and SnapChat - Year 7

Owning a Smart Mobile Phone - Year 7 recommendation, Grade 5 or 6 for a simple phone for contact. (The number of students on mobile phones past 10pm and messaging friends is unfortunately increasing)


Our weekly STAR news is a weekly whole school video call, run by our STAR leaders. It focusses on sharing our school STAR behaviour values, setting a behaviour goal, announcing our Gotcha winners, updating our House Cup leaderboard and sharing some gratitude from within the school. A big shout out to this years STAR leaders who ran their very first video call - Tabby, Dante, Gabby and Pippa.

Behaviour Goal Week 2


Gotcha Winners for Week 2

Well done to this week's GOTCHA winners, they have recieved a GOTCHA token for showing positive behaviour and displayed STAR values. This token along with others handed out around the school was put into a raffle and these 2 names were drawn out as winners for Week 2. Good luck to all our Week 3 Gotcha recipients and hope your name gets drawn out next week!

Holy Spirit House Cup

We are so excited to announce the debut of the Holy Spirit House Cup. Inspired by Harry Potter House Cup, we will be combining our Gotcha ticket points and Class Dojo points to collate House Cup points for our 4 houses. At the end of each term our leading house will be congratulated with a reward. Over the course of the year not only Dojo points and Gotchas will contribute to House Points but areas of the curriculum like Sports Days, Art competitions etc. We look forward to this exciting new initiative. Our Prep students will be inducted into their new houses soon!

Parent Webinars

Save the Date! More information to come:

Raising Kids in a Digital World, on Thursday March 23 @ 7.30pm.